15 September 2008

The Value of the "Liberal" Media 1

Ok, here we go. In defense of a liberal media, which does its part to help Americans (the vast majority of whom don't travel internationally) understand the world of which they are a very powerful part.

An insight into daily life within North Korea. The Reps/right wing/conservatives/neocons would argue that the article is "sympathizing" with an enemy who's part of the "Axis of Evil." That's bullshit. People need to be reminded, apart from all the blithering rhetoric otherwise, that there are real people over there, leading real lives, and it's not like the entire population is one homogenous horde opposed to America.

Besides, militarily it is advantageous to know more about your enemy than less, so all the "liberal" media is doing is giving more information to our future cannon fodder so that they can better understand their enemy - and annihilate him/her! Now THAT'S what I call true patriotism! (Not that ignorance prevents us from efficiently killing dirty towelheads elsewhere.)

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