15 September 2008

Esquire interviews Rupert Murdoch

His bias bleeds through the lines like the blood of the thousands he helped kill in Iraq.

Unfair? Nah. See, he's made an art of distortion, so much so that "facts" and "opinions" are indistinguishable in his worldview. And he's made Fox News a powerful voice for the ignorant, illogical, and ill-informed in the US - instead of going toe-to-toe with "intellectuals," they largely just cut mics and have idiotic shouting matches about trivial topics to create a virtual 'fog of war' in politics and in the favor of the right-wing zealot idiots who now control the country.

You wonder where the Reps get off lying so much and so easily - he opened the door for disinformation. O'Reilly perfectly fair and balanced, that's why Britney's sister is a slut and her parents are unfit, while Sarah Palin's daughter is an inspiration to us all and her mother could (and should!) be Vice President.

This bit of illogic is a gem: he didn't become a US citizen only for business reasons, he just had to be a US citizen to own a network. Hmmm ... that's not a business reason? I don't care if he sees his business life intertwined with (or as) his personal life, or makes no distinctions along those lines, but to pursue a business goal he changed citizenships. Just because he engages in double- or triple-think doesn't mean the rest of us do.

And if it weren't for the investigative reporting of the NY Times, this country would be far worse off. I wish I had the time to compile a list of the breaking, relevant news they've provided over the years. What does Fox News have to its credit? The fact that half its viewers still believe the US found WMDs in Iraq? Are you fucking kidding me? And you'd denigrate the Times?

Makes me want to get rid of my citizenship ...

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