15 September 2008

The Bible is my Anti-Spore!

Oh for God's sake ... I knew this was coming.

I especially like this attempt at an argument. Stunning. Just because you believe strongly in creationism doesn't mean you *must* defy logic.

But because Will Wright has brainwashed Frank Drake into thinking that life in the universe gave rise to “super humans” on other planets that are better than us. God would never create something better than himself, it is not possible as God is perfect in every way. And once again, I reiterate that man was created in His image.

For starters, equating humans to God is heresy, though through the creator's (of the blog, not "the Creator") tenuous grasp of logic, I don't think he fully understands what he implies. Saying man was created in God's "image" does NOT mean that we are perfect and/or like God in every way. Why? If we were perfect, we'd be God (which we cannot be). So obviously we were made in His image, but not 100% - which leaves room for improvement! With all the sin and strife, I really cannot believe someone thinks that we could not be "improved" upon in some way, such as, perhaps, a higher standard of morals or a stronger conscience.

And just because Dr. Drake has a fantastical vision of "super" sapiens that doesn't conform to someone's creationist ideas does not mean he is challenging God or has somehow been "brainwashed" by ... a game designer? Come on! Drake is an astrophysicist for Christ's sake - he's smarter than that! lol

And for that matter, so are Jesus and God. Actually, I think Armageddon will be retribution upon the truly ignorant, such as those people who claim to be avowed followers of Jesus the Christ, yet who insist upon literal interpretations of the Bible. Have you read the New Testament? IT'S ALMOST ALL METAPHOR! YOUR "SAVIOR" WAS A LIBERAL INTELLECTUAL! lmfao You can read parables about the sower and the seed, the candle under the wicker basket, etc., yet you can't comprehend that God may not have created the Earth in 7 24-hour days? Believing in God or Jesus the Christ does not give one leave to abandon logic.

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