29 September 2008

it takes a dunce

to deduce she's fit to be vice-commander in chief:

26 September 2008

too short

Not the rapper, but this list full of epic Bush fail.

As I've stated before, I disagree with nearly every major decision made / legislation coercively passed by the administration.

America's top export: hypocrisy

This is stunning in its blatancy.

One result of this standoff is that the United States, despite being one of the primary authors of the U.N.'s Convention on the Rights of Children, which specifies that governments must take appropriate measures to protect children from "all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation," is one of only two nations that have not ratified it. The other is Somalia; 192 nations have ratified it.

Land of the free (to beat your children). I guess us rednecks worry that wife-beating will be outlawed next. If I don't resort to five across the eyes, I don't know how I'd ever convince that fat slut to crap out six more kids. Now, if I hit her too hard and break her three remaining teeth, so she can barely eat for a week, I might get some capital punishment up in harr, and that's no fun.

Go (black and) Blue!

According to my colleague Liz Gershoff of the University of Michigan, a leading expert on corporal punishment of children, the main arguments that have so far prevented us from ratifying it include the ones you would expect—it would undermine American parents' authority as well as U.S. sovereignty—plus a couple of others that you might not have expected: It would not allow 17-year-olds to enlist in the armed forces, and (although the Supreme Court's decision in Roper v. Simmons has made this one moot, at least for now) it would not allow executions of people who committed capital crimes when they were under 18.

All that fancy Ivory talk, bitch, will get the back of your head pulverized by a well-aimed donkey punch. Now stop jawing with that ugly ol' gap-toothed mug of yours and start working them gums on this here "rod."

WARNING: aneurysm-inducing idiocy

Governor Granholm has Canada on the border, and she was even born there - in a foreign country(!) - QED!

You can tell she wishes she'd paid attention to those trade missions instead of who was tasering her extended family, lol.

Watch CBS Videos Online

give that man a Nobel!

Well, if you take a large enough sample, someone's bound to be right, but still, impressive! Especially considering that it took until the latter half of the 20th century for our government to acknowledge that smoking leads to health problems. Ducking fuh.

25 September 2008

still a dangerous precedent

Allowing nuclear-armed India to avoid the non-proliferation treaty. I can't say I see how voting the measure down will drive the Indians to ally themselves with Iran - this is the same style of broad, culturally-blind assumptions that have re-created a Vietnam-style quagmire in Iraq.

this just goes to show...

... that you can teach an old, forgetful dog new tricks! Haha, like that? I thought so ... :oP

24 September 2008

Sarah Palin + FOX News = Infomercial

funny, I do the same thing when she speaks:

As a giant piece of lying political slime, Blair is STILL more honest and open about the difficulties of the "War on Terror" than just about any US politician. Shameful.

16 September 2008

only a fool would revel in Lehman's failure

Count me among those fools!

If you want to have a free market, you have to have consequences to risk as an appropriate deterrent against future malfeasance. God knows you can't trust Bush's slash & burn policy to regulatory oversight, and the worst thing would be to let banks believe any of them are immune. Watch AIG and WaMu for signs of imminent failure (though I really can't understand how AIG could be SO leveraged that its physical assets' value would be outweighed by the positions of just one of its many divisions). Anyway, I haven't been following AIG closely though, so maybe the market is right in its heavy devaluation of the firm. It went from $40/share to around $20/share between May - Sep, and now it's trading at the sub-$4/share level. That's a tad extreme.

15 September 2008

The Value of the "Liberal" Media 2

I'll put the headline here just for effect:

Pakistan order to kill US invaders
Key corps commanders of Pakistan's 600,000-strong army issued orders last night to retaliate against "invading" US forces that enter the country to attack militant targets

Well, it's Australian, but it manages to get the information out to a wider audience. With allies like these, who needs are enemies?

The Bible is my Anti-Spore!

Oh for God's sake ... I knew this was coming.

I especially like this attempt at an argument. Stunning. Just because you believe strongly in creationism doesn't mean you *must* defy logic.

But because Will Wright has brainwashed Frank Drake into thinking that life in the universe gave rise to “super humans” on other planets that are better than us. God would never create something better than himself, it is not possible as God is perfect in every way. And once again, I reiterate that man was created in His image.

For starters, equating humans to God is heresy, though through the creator's (of the blog, not "the Creator") tenuous grasp of logic, I don't think he fully understands what he implies. Saying man was created in God's "image" does NOT mean that we are perfect and/or like God in every way. Why? If we were perfect, we'd be God (which we cannot be). So obviously we were made in His image, but not 100% - which leaves room for improvement! With all the sin and strife, I really cannot believe someone thinks that we could not be "improved" upon in some way, such as, perhaps, a higher standard of morals or a stronger conscience.

And just because Dr. Drake has a fantastical vision of "super" sapiens that doesn't conform to someone's creationist ideas does not mean he is challenging God or has somehow been "brainwashed" by ... a game designer? Come on! Drake is an astrophysicist for Christ's sake - he's smarter than that! lol

And for that matter, so are Jesus and God. Actually, I think Armageddon will be retribution upon the truly ignorant, such as those people who claim to be avowed followers of Jesus the Christ, yet who insist upon literal interpretations of the Bible. Have you read the New Testament? IT'S ALMOST ALL METAPHOR! YOUR "SAVIOR" WAS A LIBERAL INTELLECTUAL! lmfao You can read parables about the sower and the seed, the candle under the wicker basket, etc., yet you can't comprehend that God may not have created the Earth in 7 24-hour days? Believing in God or Jesus the Christ does not give one leave to abandon logic.

The Value of the "Liberal" Media 1

Ok, here we go. In defense of a liberal media, which does its part to help Americans (the vast majority of whom don't travel internationally) understand the world of which they are a very powerful part.

An insight into daily life within North Korea. The Reps/right wing/conservatives/neocons would argue that the article is "sympathizing" with an enemy who's part of the "Axis of Evil." That's bullshit. People need to be reminded, apart from all the blithering rhetoric otherwise, that there are real people over there, leading real lives, and it's not like the entire population is one homogenous horde opposed to America.

Besides, militarily it is advantageous to know more about your enemy than less, so all the "liberal" media is doing is giving more information to our future cannon fodder so that they can better understand their enemy - and annihilate him/her! Now THAT'S what I call true patriotism! (Not that ignorance prevents us from efficiently killing dirty towelheads elsewhere.)

Esquire interviews Rupert Murdoch

His bias bleeds through the lines like the blood of the thousands he helped kill in Iraq.

Unfair? Nah. See, he's made an art of distortion, so much so that "facts" and "opinions" are indistinguishable in his worldview. And he's made Fox News a powerful voice for the ignorant, illogical, and ill-informed in the US - instead of going toe-to-toe with "intellectuals," they largely just cut mics and have idiotic shouting matches about trivial topics to create a virtual 'fog of war' in politics and in the favor of the right-wing zealot idiots who now control the country.

You wonder where the Reps get off lying so much and so easily - he opened the door for disinformation. O'Reilly perfectly fair and balanced, that's why Britney's sister is a slut and her parents are unfit, while Sarah Palin's daughter is an inspiration to us all and her mother could (and should!) be Vice President.

This bit of illogic is a gem: he didn't become a US citizen only for business reasons, he just had to be a US citizen to own a network. Hmmm ... that's not a business reason? I don't care if he sees his business life intertwined with (or as) his personal life, or makes no distinctions along those lines, but to pursue a business goal he changed citizenships. Just because he engages in double- or triple-think doesn't mean the rest of us do.

And if it weren't for the investigative reporting of the NY Times, this country would be far worse off. I wish I had the time to compile a list of the breaking, relevant news they've provided over the years. What does Fox News have to its credit? The fact that half its viewers still believe the US found WMDs in Iraq? Are you fucking kidding me? And you'd denigrate the Times?

Makes me want to get rid of my citizenship ...

14 September 2008

Moment of ... hypocrisy. Again.

These are becoming almost too numerous to keep track of.

I like Huckabee, but I despise the GOP. I'd never vote for Huckabee. The disconnect between the approval rating of Congress and the individual re-election, district-by-district, of its representatives is another clear and terrifying example of the idiocracy of American sheeple and is the direct result of their biased, hyper-individualism. "My guy's right - it's your guy that's the problem!" Retarded. Where are the concentration internment camps when you need them? "Your IQ must be this high to get out." lol

Another hypocrisy: making "service" your speech-day motto, but having your other preparatory speakers denigrate those who actually do service. And the American sheeple love it!

Republican choice

Of course you have a choice, just so long as it remains our decision whether or not the government will allow you to make that choice! As Orwell put it, "All animals are equal; but some are more equal than others." Palin's family made the choice they're going to deny everyone else, and really, at their core, people have a lot of difficulty with this hypocrisy - except for the evangelical right, who're used to the suspension of logic.

Impalin' earmarks ...

... but for keeping the money. You know what else gets doled out from the general fund? Legislators' compensations.

Bill Maher is my soulmate

And Paul Begala is awsome. "... look at George Bush, he's kind of disgraced me entire gender and ethnicity." I love it.

13 September 2008


And that's a fact, yes it is!

12 September 2008

as the saying goes ...

"If it's good enough to flush down my toilet, it's good enough for the city of San Antonio!"

They can get this industrious DIY-er to keep the plant smelling like roses!

tree frog

Australasian extinction fail

the next generation of music piracy?

Ushered in by the precedent-setting:
radio tower protection fail

06 September 2008

it's about ... character

Namely, the character of the letter 'W'. I loved it at The Shrub's acceptance speech in 2004, the way they projected giant gold 'W's to flank the stage on both sides. The TV clips largely ignored them, but every so often when the camera zoomed out you can see them.

All that propaganda and patriotism, those simplistic, single-color banners ("royal" blue?), barren except for a lone symbol, does remind me of an earlier time, of another "historic" moment. When was it? Where was it ... oh yeah!

Gosh, those were the days ...

And the Reps have the gall to call Obama just "a celebrity?" George's shrubbery hath extended even beyond a mere person, he's taken over an entire letter of the alphabet (and here is the store to prove it!).

05 September 2008

vetting a veep

OK, there is obviously a lot of controversy over this Palin selection. One of my favorite micro-debates is on her family's right to privacy (as Obama may point out, Constitutional scholar that he is, there is no right to privacy guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, although maybe it should be included in order to offset the violation of the right to unlawful search and seizure that the government is allowed under the "Patriot" Acts).

Okay, to do what Reps despise and re-focus on the issue. McCain and the Reps are squealing over Palin's privacy, that how she rears her family has nothing to do with her fitness for public office. Ok, fine, but then please explain how the following examples fit:

The campaign says the form included such detailed questions as: Have you been faithful in your marriage? Have you ever paid for sex? Have you ever downloaded pornography? Have you ever used or purchased drugs?

Now, as far as I can tell, those are all questions on a candidate's morals. If it turns out that the candidate did use drugs, like Clinton, The Shrub, and Obama, it's okay to cite Palin's drug use. So if those examples of morals are okay, why not the family unit? If you've been divorced, and the politicians themselves use that as a screen for "fitness", then why can't the American public? And where are your morals displayed anywhere more so than your family unit? You're going to treat your spouse/children a lot closer to the morals you actually practice (by definition) than those you just preach. And that's why the Reps desperately want to present a (n often false) squeaky-clean moral facade that is above question, because the more you question, the more hypocrisy you find.

And don't even get me started on how Stewart pwnd Gingrich over the meaning of the word "decision." Fabulous.

And if you have the appetite for even more Palin hypocrisy ("she was for wasteful pork barrels before she was against them!", "she was for Alaskan independence ... and still probably is!"), have a gander. Brilliant.

what is the opposite of beer goggles?

Whatever you call this drink, lol.

Parkour (free running) = cool. Sport? Not really. Marial art? Hardly. Hardcore? A bit, but not nearly as much as swamp soccer!

the sad thing is

While we're debating global warming, it's already too late... the CO2 we've already admitted will remain in the atmosphere for decades (at least), and our overall emissions are not dropping yet, therefore we are going to continue adding to the cumulative amount of CO2 in the atmosphere for a long while after we notice the effects of global warming. Once you start seeing the effects, it is already bordering on being too late to do anything about the situation.