15 October 2006

working out ... in a gym (part II)
So this is another aspect of European culture not found in America: sexual attitudes. I was watching a commercial for some magazine while running on a Precor machine, and what was the commercial about? Women's nipples randomly popping out in all sorts of social settings (restaurant, the gym, in the park, etc.). I mean, full nipple, not that Janet Jackson half-covered with a piercing shit, lol.

Also, I took a walk around the men's locker room. There are 2 sauna rooms ... and they are accessible to both men and women. In fact, there are "instructions" for cleaning each other before going into the sauna (I'm going to take my camera next time because the illustration cannot be done justice in mere words) and also instructions that the man would do well to give the woman a massage. This is, by the way, fully in the nude for both sexes (the illustrations are quite clear about that). Imagine a world where two nude members of the opposite sex can interact without sex/rape/violence/etc. I mean, Dubya would be flabbergasted.

Also, on a random aside, there is a petting zoo a few hundred metres from my house. No real purpose, someone just augmented the park with a cow, some goats, etc. Completely fucking random.

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