15 October 2006

As Stephen Colbert had with "truthiness", I thought I had the market cornered on "pointlessnissity." Perhaps the term, but not the idea behind it. Damn.

In a related development, dead rats now mean that climate change is bunk, according to the Discovery Channel. Oh, and who owns Discovery Channel? Disney. Disney is a completely apolitical entity who freezes hiring based on Republican election victories because that makes good business sense.

Convincing people climate change is a myth also makes good business sense, if you trade in Republican political capital. And yes, one tiny article on the Canadian Discovery Channel website is hardly going to convince a lot of people, but when someone argues that climate change is debatable they have a well-known source (for the layperson that is).

Really, people, if you can't think at least do yourself a favor and read Manufacturing Consent.

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