28 February 2011

hating on sports writers (again)

Really, this is just absurd - ranking stadiums that he hasn't even visited? Just to 'stir up controversy?' Puh-leeze, it's shameless self-promotion! Like loyal NFL fans need any additional reason to dislike each others' venues, lol.
I thought about opening this article with a snazzy intro (which would be the first time I accomplished such a feat), but then I realized that most of you will probably skip the opening, head straight to the rankings, disagree with what I’ve said and then proceed to destroy me in the comments section.

That’s all fine by me, but this article isn’t solely about ranking the actual stadium structure. I’ve incorporated elements such as tailgating, fans, weather, surrounding areas, etc. to give this thing a bit more flavor.

Because at the end of the day, the NFL is facing a lockout and there’s very little to break down and analyze right now. It’s time to get creative and stir up a debate.

Don’t like where your team is ranked? Take it to the comments section below or to the NFP Message Boards. You can also email me at: Joe.Fortenbaugh@NationalFootballPost.com

Note: I haven’t had the privilege of watching an NFL game at each of the 31 stadiums (see resume at end of article), so a good portion of this article is based on what I’ve seen on television, what I’ve read and the people I’ve talked to who have actually been to these venues.

Yeah, I bet it's articles like this that will help the NFL avoid a lockout ...

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