02 September 2009

ADHD queue-jumpers create debate

But only amongst those already mentally retarded.

This article includes a fucking moronic argument in favor of special treatment for ADHD brats:
"'These are children with a disability who cannot wait. You cannot teach someone who is crippled to walk, someone who is deaf to hear,'" says Andrea Bilbow. 'They have a 30% maturity lag, and are emotionally younger than their peers.'"
Bilbow, your analogy is bullshit. They have a 'maturity lag' of 30%? That's not being crippled, it's a mild limp or partial deafness in one ear. You can teach someone with a limp to walk better or a person with less-than-perfect hearing how to compensate. Exacerbating the initial conditions with further learned behavior (no waiting) only makes such children even more susceptible to any waiting in the future. It's a fucking retarded approach.

They're emotionally younger than their peers? As if children all develop at the same rate. Show me the statistical deviation that illustrates how you came to determine they were more than 1 std dev less mature than their peers. If ADHD is just about maturity, then let's teach them maturity. You think children develop in a vacuum? These kids are not *that* disabled that they can't learn! We shouldn't be striving to make them more impatient. Do we try and make someone with a limp cripple or someone with partial hearing loss fully deaf?

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