08 December 2007

milking the consumer

1 Competition is supposed to drive down prices, unless, of course, firms are competing against each other as to who can screw the consumer the hardest through collusion! Hooray for free markets!

2 BBC's anatomy of what appears to be a disasterously American idiocy.

3 Who says that Americans are largely desensitized to violence? Certainly not the VT victims!

4 Save the environment, eat a kangaroo!

Why do people complain that solutions to being environmentally responsible are costly and all that jazz when they come up with even more convoluted, potentially disastrous solutions? Bacteria in livestock? Yeah, like that's a system we can fully control. Not, you know, the highly mechanized, extremely precise industrial and transportation machinery that is responsible for nearly half of the remaining GHG emissions globally. Also, the solution should not necessarily be just make the livestock flatulate less, but to grow them in an environment that's more conducive to health - also known as eliminating industrialized, "factory" farms. That would help a lot, not that anyone appears to be proposing such a solution with any real vigor.

5 This could've been a straight Onion article, lol. Had they published it in 2006, many people would've laughed at its blatant absurdity.

6 110% dude, WTF? Not a single person needed to use the lavatory OR thought to clean said lavatory in FOUR DAYS? Yeah, mark that on my list as the 1001th place I need to see before I croak.

7 I'm surprised he didn't just say "E.T. phone home" and cackle at his wit.

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