28 November 2007

How much is that goose in the window?

The one with the so-o-oft down? haha! Hungary in the news!

Et tu, Truth?
Only Republicans could possibly deride someone for being "too" truthful. I mean, who are they to talk about truthiness when they have so little experience with it themselves? Maybe they lie about how experienced they are in their dealings with, and telling of, the truth? A good lie is better than a bad truth, eh? Well, I find your nonchalant acceptance and implicit promotion of censorship offensive in its own right.

Besides, who but tweaked-out, druggie, high-school kids having gay premarital bestiality sex would honestly look to Bush as a role model? Lawd knows that's all our secular schools are filled with these days - dirty Jesus hating little demons!!

Funny, I don't feel more appreciated
Must be one of those initiatives that pass like a slow burn - you know, like a big fat (legal) Dutch roach! lol

The Dutch Don't Learn
Time to get out the riot gear! I wonder if any of the disenfranchised Parisians will trek over here just to firebomb something?

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