29 June 2009

MS design fail

Bing! You have fail! MS is so inept at decent aesthetic design, that the absence of a few lines of code to remove some unnecessary white space is pretty much enough to make people prefer Google to Bing, even though the results might be better! lmfao

21 June 2009

That's not a side-effect!

It's a remedy so you no longer have to smell the Bushshit! Prolonged exposure to Bushshit has been known to destroy human logic, so what's worse? We destroy (your sense of smell). You decide.

20 June 2009

luv ya, but ...

... even you, Barack the Magick Negro, even your superhuman powers are no match for the collective stupidity of Ameri-duh. Really, just give it up.

Barack The Magic Negro - Watch more funny videos here

19 June 2009

God kills mother

Or maybe it was Twitter? The world may never know!

18 June 2009

Twitter pwns God

Twitter giveth life and Twitter can taketh away.

Do not anger the Twitter with videos of your silly ... KITTIES!!! But do use Twitter like a TV channel - for taking vicarious pleasure in abject human idiocy ...

... and porn! (SFW)

17 June 2009

dayveed cah-muh-run speeks wiff jurmuhn akscent, uhfends peepuhl

Doesn't such a hard-line stance work wonders for Schwarzenegger? lol "Come into my tent, let's neh-gow-shee-ate."

how are we rich, exactly?

We still haven't repaired the damage from Katrina. Why?

"Patriots" will bristle if you suggest the Europeans would've rebuilt faster. If not, why haven't we, if we're so rich? I bet a lot of ppl would say "oh, it's b/c N'awlinz is a hell-hole that no one would invest in." OK, but if it's so crappy it couldn't be expensive, and being so wealthy, surely we could afford to write off the costs!

Oh yeah, and the only thing holding back under-privileged Detroiters from having white picket fences of their own are those dang strip clubs! I'm going to start a fully-nude, alcohol-serving club called "White Picket Fences", complete with a wholesome, "Golden Era" theme (well, focused on the 50's/60's post-WWII boom time). Maybe a future club can feature "Grannies Who are Trannies" and have a "Golden Gurlz" theme.

Being ignorant and close-minded about sex, while doing nothing to prevent half-deranged people from buying firearms, has a lot more to do with economic inequality than strip clubs - just ask the Dutch!

14 June 2009

London 2012 Olympics Logo is Homo

Seriously, does it have to be spelled out to people for them to see it? The "0" and the "2" on the right-hand side is a man, inserting its penis into the left-hand side "2"/"1" figure (looks something like a goat). Srsly, it's a man copulating with a goat.

The London 2012 logo has to be one of the worst designs I've ever seen.

08 June 2009

The Summer Obama Stole TV

"And, after your dad lost his bonus and the mortgage for his lake house, Obama 'blacked out' the liberal media so people wouldn't be able to watch his coup d'etat on PBS. That was the worst summer ever."

"Oh, and then we had to stop paying for your loft in the Village. Yeah. It was a truly terrifying time."