30 January 2009

sympathy meter reaches new low!

I didn't see this one coming, but damn is it impressively retarded. I hope she starves to death trying to figure out how to cook at home (or gives up and roasts her head in the oven) - sorry Ben, I have no sympathy for that debt devil.

29 January 2009

Q: politician's most-feared WMD ...

A: a logic bomb!

A (part 2): not if you're Sarah Palin!

27 January 2009


SUPERFUN! You know who else should enjoy this product? Circus animals!

25 January 2009

fire docs who don't wash their hands

Have them "log" in and out of each procedure by touching a petri dish. That will definitely get the hand-washing numbers up.

your right to privacy exists only at our convenience

How did I miss this? Fuck.

22 January 2009

today is a good day

I hate children and love porn, so that makes this a good day to be online.

smells like bi-partisanshit

If the media were actually liberal, they would've just called Limbaugh a "traitor" (like the Right does every time the Left decries the imposition of government on their civil rights):

anything you geezers can do

we can do younger! Oh yes we can! :o)

On a serious note, I am happy for the new meritocracy that the Obama administration represents. A 26-year-old fashion designer and a speechwriter is 26 (or 27, depending on which source you believe). Obama himself is young, especially for a President, and companies around the world are increasingly comfortable with handing over the reigns to ever-younger CEOs.

I'm firmly convinced that a person's decision-making process can be just as sophisticated at 25 as it is at 52 (rare, but possible). Nowadays people in their 30s-40s are savvier than ever, and oftentimes the only thing holding a candidate back is access to information. With the ever-widening scope of databases and technologies to make that raw information useful, the underlying intellectual processes of the decision-maker take front and center - not just "experience." Of course, data is not a substitute for *all* experience, not by a long shot, but much of what used to take corporate drones eons to learn can now be experienced in a small fraction of the time. This trend of younger CEOs is a marker of a larger shift towards trend towards true meritocracies, a change I fully embrace.

21 January 2009

business being 'obviously' stupid?

say it ain't so!

"SuperCrunching" at its finest - yes, let's trust regression analysis when the core data and conditions are still input by the business geniuses from above. I always trust statistics - they never lie! (but people do!)

20 January 2009

D-town in the hizz-ouse!!

Let's hear it for Detroit homeboy, thugged-out native, Dean James Lipton! He's freakin' 82 years old, but he slammed that bong like a 28-year-old! Kickass. Just goes to show: "real thugs never die!"

james lipton reads k-fed lyrics

16 January 2009

a navy of one

Well, now that my weekends will be devoid of deviant activities, I guess it's time to pull an L. Ron and set sail for waters uncharted (and countries that don't extradite). :oP

11 January 2009

piracy fail

Johnny Depp is disheartened. I hope they have piracy insurance. lol